About Liberty Roe - Where Family and Fashion Meet

Welcome to Liberty Roe, a cherished gem in the heart of Charleston, West Virginia. Founded and nurtured by a mother of eight, our store is more than just a retail space—it's a reflection of a family's love for quality, style, and the joy of childhood.

Our Story

Liberty Roe was born out of a desire to create a shopping experience that mirrors the warmth and care of a family home. Our founder, a devoted mother with a flair for fashion and an eye for quality, envisioned a place where parents could find not just products, but solutions, support, and inspiration. With her brood of eight, each with their unique personality and needs, she became adept at understanding what children love and what parents look for.

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What We Offer

At Liberty Roe, we specialize in boutique children's clothing, unique toys, and personalized gifts. Each item in our store is handpicked, ensuring it meets our high standards of quality, durability, and style. From the latest fashion trends for kids to timeless toys and custom gift solutions, our collection is as diverse as the families we serve.

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  • Family-Centric

    We believe in nurturing strong family bonds through shared experiences and quality time, and our products reflect this philosophy.

  • Quality and Style

    We're committed to offering stylish, high-quality products that are both fun for kids and practical for parents.

  • Community and Connection

    Liberty Roe is more than a store; it's a community where families come together, share experiences, and create lasting memories.

  • Personalized Service

    Understanding each child is unique, we offer personalized services to help find the perfect fit for your child’s needs and preferences.